Install and forGET is an industrial service concept, which outcome is eliminating the constant need of repairs and replacements for wear parts in extreme abrasion, high impact or corrosion situations. Click for more information.
We are specialised in designing and supplying Install and forGET wear part solutions for industrial equipment based on utilizing solid tungsten carbide tiles. Our tungsten carbide wear protection is so effective, that many customers have found that the life expectancy of Install and forGET wear components will outperform the second best available solution by as much as 20 to 1!
Install and forGET- concept is based on supreme wear proofing excellence, which converts the standard wear part or the OEM-solution from “a pain in the ass” to a supporting resource of the customer’s process. Why do so many plant operations and maintenance teams demand Install and forGET Performance? Click to see.
Click here to download the Install and forGET- brochure in pdf-format.
Our expertise and innovative solutions have become a symbol of quality in carbide-protected wear parts. If you have a tough wear problem and would like to discuss it with our experts, please contact us at:
GM Arne Relander
Mobile tel. + 358 400 456 741
Tel. +358 207 445 200